You are in need of Kim Namjoon's phone number, and other contact details such as BTS phone number, BTS member's contact numbers, BTC address, Kim Namjoon House Address, Email Ids, Postal mail, and WhatsApp numbers.

Kim Namjoon, also known as "RM", is the leader and rapper of the South Korean boyband BTS. He is also a songwriter and producer.

Born on September 12, 1994, in Ilsan, South Korea, RM started his music career at a young age. He was discovered on YouTube by Big Hit Entertainment founder Bang Si-hyuk and soon after, joined BTS. The group made its debut in 2013 with the album "2 Cool 4 Skool".

RM is known for his introspective lyrics and powerful rapping. He has also been praised for his leadership Kim Namjoon, also known as RM, is the leader and rapper of the South Korean boy band BTS. He is also a producer and songwriter.

RM's lyrics often focus on topics such as mental health, self-confidence, and personal growth. He has been praised for his ability to discuss serious topics in a way that is relatable to young people. He has also been praised for his openness about his own struggles with anxiety and depression.

RM is an advocate for mental health awareness and self-acceptance. He has spoken out about the importance of these issues, and has urged